
Adam rodriguez (inventor)

Adam Rodriguez (born 1983) is best known for his groundbreaking work in communication technology. Always looking for answers, Adam became an avid questioner in his own right, questioning everything around him. He is one to reply to a question with a question. It’s no surprise his favorite show growing up was Jeopardy.

All of this questioning came to an exciting crescendo when Adam bought his first smartphone. Now, with a color screen and pixels to spare, Adam thought about ways he could make his questions stand out from the rest, especially on the subreddit /cats. This is when he came up with the ❓.

After many months of promotion and all-nighters, this often used emoji was finally published by the Unicode Consortium to be included as a default emoji on all mobile devices. This prompted a deluge of TV and, more importantly, podcast interviews that made him a household name.

Adam recently sold the original ❓as an NFT, making him a cool $2.5 million in the process.

You can now find Adam on a street corner in Arizona holding a ❓sign high above his head and asking passersby his favorite questions.